Advanced Shopify Course
1. Class and Object
- Definition and usage
- Creating and using classes
- Instantiating objects
- Attributes and methodsa
2. Constructor
- Definition and purpose
- `__init__` method
- Overloading constructors
- Initialization of objects
3. Type of Variables
- Instance variables
- Class variables
- Local variables
- Global variables
4. Namespaces
- Definition and scope
- Local, global, and built-in namespaces
- `global` and `nonlocal` keywords
- Accessing and modifying namespaces
5. Type of Methods
- Instance methods
- Class methods
- Static methods
- Method decorators (`@classmethod`, `@staticmethod`)
6. Inheritance
- Definition and purpose
- Single inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Method overriding
- `super()` function
7. Polymorphism
- Definition and types
- Method overriding
- Method overloading (not natively supported in Python)
- Operator overloading
8. Module
- Definition and purpose
- Creating and importing modules
- `__name__` and `__main__`
- Standard library modules
9. Package
- Definition and purpose
- Using the `abc` module
- Abstract methods and abstract base classes
- Implementing abstract classes
10. Abstract Class
- Instance variables
- Class variables
- Local variables
- Global variables
11. Interface
- Definition and purpose
- Creating interfaces using abstract base classes
- Implementing interfaces
12. Date and Time
- Working with `datetime` module
- Date and time manipulation
- Formatting and parsing dates
- Timedeltas
13. Thread, Thread Synchronization
- Definition and usage
- Creating and starting threads
- `threading` module
- Thread synchronization basics
- Definition and purpose
- Using locks, semaphores, and conditions
- Avoiding deadlocks
- Synchronizing threads
14. Thread Communication
- Communication between threads
- Using queues for inter-thread communication
- Producer-consumer problem
15. Daemon Thread
- Definition and purpose
- Creating and managing daemon threads
- Differences between daemon and non-daemon threads
16. File Handling
- Reading from and writing to files
- File modes and operations
- Using `with` statement for file operations
- Handling file exceptions
17. Pickling
- Definition and purpose
- Using `pickle` module for serialization
- Pickling objects
- Pickling and unpickling files
- Definition and purpose
- Unpickling objects
- Security considerations
18. Directory
- Working with directories
- Using `os` and `pathlib` modules
- Directory creation, deletion, and listing
- Path manipulations
19. Database (MySQL with Python)
- Basics of databases
- Connecting to a database
- Executing SQL commands
- Connecting to MySQL database using `mysql-connector-python`
- Executing SQL queries
- Fetching results
20. Exception Handling
- Definition and purpose
- Try, except, finally blocks
- Custom exceptions
- Exception hierarchy
21. Logging
- Definition and purpose
- Using `logging` module
- Configuring logging
- Logging levels and handlers
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