We offer DEVOPS and certification in Delhi for DEVOPS and information Technology aspirants. Since Decade, we have been in the Information Network industry. You can learn more about networking, Techniques, and Tools to choose a better career path.

DevOps is supported by a wide range of tools and technologies, such as version control systems, continuous integration servers, configuration management tools, containerization platforms, and monitoring solutions. These tools help automate processes, enable collaboration, and facilitate the implementation of DevOps principles.

Devops Education Courses Professional Sessions

Learn DEVOPS after the 10th from the best 5 mentorship in town, providing a senseful Course to understand the fundamentals of networking in a better way. We possess a Dreamtime of a better ubderstanding of the sincere networking for the current and prospective students at Rohini Sector-6 Campus Buddy Institutes.


Module 1: Introduction to Version Control and Git

1.1 What is Version Control?

1.2 Types of Version Control Systems (Centralized vs. Distributed)

1.3 Introduction to Git

1.4 Installing Git (Windows, macOS, Linux)

1.5 Git Configuration (git config, username, email, aliases)

Module 2: Git Basics

2.1 Creating a Git Repository (git init)

2.2 Cloning a Repository (git clone)

2.3 Understanding the Git Workflow (Working Directory, Staging Area, Repository)

2.4 Basic Commands:

  • git status
  • git add
  • git commit
  • git log

2.5 Understanding and Using .gitignore

Module 3: Branching and Merging

3.1 What are Branches?

3.2 Creating and Switching Branches (git branch, git checkout, git switch)

3.3 Merging Branches (git merge)

3.4 Handling Merge Conflicts

3.5 Deleting Branches (git branch -d)

Module 4: Git History and Undoing Changes

4.1 Viewing Commit History (git log, git show)

4.2 Undoing Changes:

  • Modifying Last Commit (git commit –amend)
  • Discarding Changes (git checkout –, git restore)
  • Resetting Commits (git reset, soft, mixed, hard)
  • Reverting Commits (git revert)

Module 5: Collaborating with GitHub

5.1 What is GitHub?

5.2 Creating a GitHub Account

5.3 Creating and Managing Repositories on GitHub

5.4 Connecting Git with GitHub (git remote add, git push)

5.5 Pull Requests:

  • Creating a Pull Request
  • Reviewing and Merging Pull Requests

5.6 Forking and Cloning Repositories

5.7 GitHub Issues and Project Boards

Module 6: Advanced Git and GitHub

6.1 Working with Tags (git tag, annotated vs. lightweight)

6.2 Rebasing (git rebase)

6.3 Cherry-Picking Commits (git cherry-pick)

6.4 Stashing Changes (git stash)

6.5 Submodules (git submodule)

6.6 Using Git Hooks

Module 7: Collaboration and Workflows

7.1 Git Collaboration Strategies (Centralized, Feature Branch, Forking)

7.2 Git Flow and GitHub Flow

7.3 Managing Code Reviews on GitHub

7.4 Using CI/CD with GitHub Actions

7.5 Protecting Branches and Setting Rules

Module 8: Troubleshooting and Best Practices

8.1 Resolving Common Git Issues

8.2 Recovering Lost Commits (git reflog)

8.3 Writing Good Commit Messages

8.4 Git Best Practices (Atomic Commits, Meaningful Branch Names)

Module 9: GitHub for Open Source Contributions

9.1 Exploring Open Source Projects on GitHub

9.2 How to Contribute to Open Source Projects

9.3 Writing a Good Pull Request

9.4 Licensing and Documentation in Open Source

Module 1: Introduction to Docker

1.1 What is Docker?

1.2 Benefits of Containerization

1.3 Containers vs. Virtual Machines

1.4 Docker Architecture (Client, Server, Images, Containers, Registries)

1.5 Installing Docker (Windows, macOS, Linux)

Module 2: Docker Basics

2.1 Understanding Docker Terminology (Images, Containers, Volumes, Networks)

2.2 Basic Docker Commands:

  • docker run
  • docker ps
  • docker stop
  • docker rm
  • docker pull
  • docker exec

2.3 Managing Docker Images:

  • docker images
  • docker rmi

2.4 Creating a Simple Container

Module 3: Docker Images and Dockerfile

3.1 What are Docker Images?

3.2 Building Images with Dockerfile

3.3 Dockerfile Syntax and Instructions (FROM, RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, ADD, EXPOSE)

3.4 Best Practices for Writing Dockerfiles

3.5 Multi-Stage Builds

Module 4: Managing Docker Containers

4.1 Running Containers in Detached Mode

4.2 Restart Policies (always, unless-stopped)

4.3 Inspecting and Logging (docker inspect, docker logs)

4.4 Environment Variables and .env Files

4.5 Exposing and Mapping Ports

Module 5: Docker Volumes and Networking

5.1 Understanding Volumes and Persistent Storage

5.2 Creating and Managing Volumes (docker volume)

5.3 Bind Mounts vs. Volumes

5.4 Docker Networking Basics

  • Bridge Network
  • Host Network
  • None Network

5.5 Creating Custom Networks (docker network create)

5.6 Connecting Containers to Networks

Module 6: Docker Compose

6.1 What is Docker Compose?

6.2 Installing Docker Compose

6.3 Writing a docker-compose.yml File

6.4 Running Multi-Container Applications (docker-compose up, docker-compose down)

6.5 Scaling Services with Docker Compose

6.6 Networking in Docker Compose

Module 7: Docker Registries and Images

7.1 Docker Hub and Private Registries

7.2 Pushing and Pulling Images from Docker Hub

7.3 Setting Up a Private Docker Registry

7.4 Docker Tags and Image Versioning

7.5 Securing Docker Images

Module 8: Docker Swarm and Orchestration

8.1 Introduction to Docker Swarm

8.2 Initializing a Swarm (docker swarm init)

8.3 Deploying Services in a Swarm (docker service create)

8.4 Scaling and Updating Services

8.5 Managing Swarm Nodes

8.6 Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

Module 9: Advanced Docker Concepts

9.1 Docker Networking in Depth

9.2 Monitoring and Logging with Docker

9.3 Docker Secrets and Configuration Management

9.4 Docker Security Best Practices

9.5 Using Docker with Kubernetes (Basic Integration)

Module 10: CI/CD with Docker

10.1 Docker in Continuous Integration/Deployment

10.2 Using Docker with Jenkins/GitLab CI/GitHub Actions

10.3 Building and Pushing Docker Images in CI Pipelines

10.4 Automated Testing in Containers

Module 11: Troubleshooting and Optimization

11.1 Common Docker Issues and Solutions

11.2 Container Performance Tuning

11.3 Analyzing Docker Logs

11.4 Docker Health Checks

Module 1: Introduction to Kubernetes

1.1 What is Kubernetes?

1.2 The Need for Container Orchestration

1.3 Kubernetes Architecture Overview:

  • Master Node Components (API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager, etcd)
  • Worker Node Components (Kubelet, Kube Proxy, Container Runtime)

1.4 Key Concepts: Pods, Nodes, Clusters

1.5 Installing Kubernetes (Minikube, Kubeadm, Kind)

Module 2: Kubernetes Basics

2.1 Creating and Managing Pods

2.2 Understanding YAML Configuration Files

2.3 Kubectl Commands:

  • kubectl get
  • kubectl create
  • kubectl apply
  • kubectl describe
  • kubectl delete

2.4 Namespaces and Resource Isolation

Module 3: Deployments and Scaling

3.1 Understanding Deployments

3.2 Creating and Updating Deployments

3.3 Scaling Applications (kubectl scale)

3.4 Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

3.5 DaemonSets and StatefulSets

Module 4: Services and Networking

4.1 Cluster Networking Basics

4.2 Service Types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName

4.3 Ingress Controllers and Ingress Resources

4.4 Configuring DNS in Kubernetes

4.5 Network Policies

Module 5: Storage and Volumes

5.1 Kubernetes Storage Overview

5.2 Volume Types: EmptyDir, HostPath, PersistentVolume (PV), PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)

5.3 Storage Classes and Dynamic Provisioning

5.4 Configuring and Managing Persistent Storage

5.5 Using ConfigMaps and Secrets

Module 6: Monitoring and Logging

6.1 Monitoring Kubernetes Clusters

6.2 Using Prometheus and Grafana for Monitoring

6.3 Centralized Logging with Fluentd and Elasticsearch

6.4 Viewing Logs with kubectl logs

6.5 Setting Up Alerts and Dashboards

Module 7: Advanced Kubernetes Concepts

8.1 Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)

8.2 Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

8.3 Operators and Operator Framework

8.4 Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs

8.5 Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity

Module 8: Kubernetes with Cloud Providers

10.1 Kubernetes on AWS (EKS)

10.2 Kubernetes on Google Cloud (GKE)

10.3 Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)

10.4 Hybrid and On-Premise Kubernetes Deployments

10.5 Kubernetes with Terraform

Module 9: CI/CD and GitOps with Kubernetes

11.1 Integrating CI/CD Pipelines with Kubernetes

11.2 Using Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and GitHub Actions

11.3 GitOps with ArgoCD and Flux

11.4 Deploying Applications Automatically

Module 10: Troubleshooting and Best Practices

12.1 Debugging Pods and Nodes

12.2 Common Issues and Solutions

12.3 Kubernetes Best Practices for Resource Management

12.4 Writing Effective YAML Manifests

Module 1: Introduction to Jenkins

1.1 What is Jenkins?

1.2 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Concepts

1.3 Jenkins Architecture and Components

1.4 Installing Jenkins (Windows, Linux, macOS, Docker)

1.5 Initial Configuration and Plugins Setup

Module 2: Jenkins Basics and Configuration

2.1 Understanding the Jenkins Dashboard

2.2 Configuring Global Tools (JDK, Git, Maven, Gradle)

2.3 Setting Up Jenkins Users and Roles

2.4 Managing Credentials in Jenkins

2.5 Backing Up and Restoring Jenkins

Module 3: Creating and Running Jenkins Jobs

3.1 Types of Jenkins Jobs (Freestyle, Pipeline, Multi-Branch)

3.2 Configuring a Freestyle Project

3.3 Adding Build Triggers (SCM, Polling, Webhooks)

3.4 Build Steps and Post-Build Actions

3.5 Monitoring and Analyzing Build Results

Module 4: Jenkins Pipelines

4.1 Introduction to Jenkins Pipelines

4.2 Pipeline as Code (Declarative vs. Scripted Pipelines)

4.3 Writing a Simple Pipeline (Jenkinsfile)

4.4 Stages and Steps in Pipelines

4.5 Using Environment Variables in Pipelines

Module 5: Advanced Pipeline Features

5.1 Parallel Execution in Pipelines

5.2 Using Parameters and Input in Pipelines

5.3 Handling Errors and Exceptions in Pipelines

5.4 Building Complex Workflows with Nested Stages

5.5 Shared Libraries and Reusable Pipeline Code

Module 6: Integrating Jenkins with Version Control

6.1 Integrating with Git and GitHub

6.2 Setting Up Webhooks for Automatic Builds

6.3 Working with Bitbucket and GitLab

6.4 Using Jenkins with Subversion

Module 7: Automated Testing with Jenkins

7.1 Running Unit Tests and Integration Tests

7.2 Publishing Test Results and Reports (JUnit, NUnit)

7.3 Code Quality Analysis (SonarQube, Jacoco)

7.4 Automated UI Testing with Selenium

7.5 Managing Test Artifacts

Module 8: Jenkins in CI/CD Pipelines

8.1 Setting Up Continuous Integration Pipelines

8.2 Deploying Applications with Jenkins (Tomcat, Docker)

8.3 Configuring Continuous Delivery and Deployment

8.4 Using Jenkins with Kubernetes

8.5 Blue/Green Deployments and Canary Releases

Module 9: Jenkins Plugins and Extensibility

9.1 Exploring Jenkins Plugins

9.2 Installing and Managing Plugins

9.3 Popular Plugins: Git, Docker, Email, Build Pipeline

9.4 Writing Custom Jenkins Plugins

9.5 Using Jenkins API for Automation

Module 10: Jenkins with Docker and Kubernetes

10.1 Running Jenkins in Docker Containers

10.2 Building and Pushing Docker Images with Jenkins

10.3 Deploying to Kubernetes with Jenkins Pipelines

10.4 Using Helm Charts with Jenkins

10.5 Orchestrating Multi-Container Deployments

Module 11: Monitoring and Scaling Jenkins

11.1 Monitoring Jenkins Performance

11.2 Managing Logs and Notifications

11.3 Scaling Jenkins with Distributed Builds

11.4 Configuring Jenkins Agents and Nodes

11.5 High Availability and Disaster Recovery


What is DevOps?

The DevOps is a combination of two words, one is software Development, and second is Operations. This allows a single team to handle the entire application lifecycle, from development to testing, deployment, and operations. DevOps helps you to reduce the disconnection between software developers, quality assurance (QA) engineers, and system administrators.

Why DevOps?

Before going further, we need to understand why we need the DevOps over the other methods.

  • The operation and development team worked in complete isolation.
  • After the design-build, the testing and deployment are performed respectively. That’s why they consumed more time than actual build cycles.
  • Without the use of DevOps, the team members are spending a large amount of time on designing, testing, and deploying instead of building the project.
  • Manual code deployment leads to human errors in production.
  • Coding and operation teams have their separate timelines and are not in synch, causing further delays.

Current Growth of DEVOPS Certified Engineers

The demand for DevOps-certified engineers continues to grow rapidly, driven by the increasing adoption of cloud services, automation, and digital transformation across industries. In 2024, this demand is particularly strong due to the expansion of cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Many organizations are transitioning their infrastructure to the cloud, creating a significant need for professionals skilled in DevOps tools and practices.

And it will grow faster in the coming time, so that every student can study it comfortably, and its year percentage is growing. The demand for DevOps engineers are high and will grow nearly 25 per cent from 2029 to 2027, eventually generating annual revenue of $25,362.8 million

Industry Demand Availability Percentage?

There is more competition than the web head in the market, can speak one tool or you can speak one word by mixing two words like the DEVOPS which are working for both, are also developing and operation, so that we can see how popular the devices are becoming since Covid. The demand for DevOps engineers is growing rapidly as more companies adopt DevOps practices to streamline software delivery and improve collaboration between development and operations teams. The global DevOps market, valued at approximately $5.2 billion in 2018, is projected to exceed $15 billion by 2024, with an annual growth rate of around 18-20%. This growth is fuelled by the increasing adoption of cloud technologies, automation, and CI/CD pipelines

Future Opportunities After DevOps?

In the future of the DevOps, different types of jobs come to us, such as for server mange, or developers can handle the code. The future of DevOps is bright, with numerous trends and innovations set to shape the industry in 2024 and beyond. From the integration of AI and ML to the rise of GitOps, DevSecOps, and NoOps, DevOps practices are evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing technological landscape. Organizations that embrace these trends will be well-positioned to enhance their software development processes, improve collaboration across teams, and deliver high-quality products more efficiently

Good Career Opportunities for DevOps Course?

After doing the DevOps, we have many opportunities open so that we can take our career forward. DevOps Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, Automation Engineer, DevOps Architect, DevSecOps Engineer, Machine Learning Operations.

Why Choose Our Institute for This Course?

Our institute boasts a 95% job placement rate for DevOps graduates. We offer hands-on training with state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring that you gain practical experience. Our instructors have an average of 10 years of industry experience, providing insights that can help you succeed in your career.

Easy to Job Switch from Non-Tech to Tech?

Many of our graduates successfully transition from non-tech backgrounds to tech careers. In fact, 60% of our students come from non-technical fields. With our comprehensive support and training, you can confidently make this switch and embark on a rewarding career in cloud engineer.

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